Articles are preferably based on the results of concrete with practical relevance/ news value for the real estate sector. Articles can deal with both fundamental scientific research as well as applied scientific research.
The results of the research must be widely applicable. Research that exclusively relates to a specific location or region does not fit the formula.
In addition, the editorial board offers space for opinion articles. However, these articles should also be based on research.
The editors aim for a variety of longer and shorter articles. The word limit is approximately 3000 words. An exception can be made for example for PhD students when an article is based on a dissertation or when the article dives deeper into a particular topic. These articles can use 4000 words. The discussion of whether an article qualifies for this exception is up to the editors.
The article should, preferably, be structured as follows:
A short, stimulating introduction that includes the main conclusions (word limit of 75 words)
a description of the study, with special attention for:
- the scientific value of the study
- the main conclusions
- the relevance of the research results for the real estate practice
- a short description of the method.
It is recommended to mention how interested readers can become acquainted with the research results.
Authors must include (a selection of) their sources.
The editors appreciate it when authors send an outline of their intended article. Based on this outline the editors can decide if the completion of the article is useful.
Articles will be reviewed by a specialist editor as well as an external referee. Authors receive comments via the specialist editor, after which adjustments can be made.
By submitting the article to Real Estate Research Quarterly, the author declares that the same article is not being offered for publication elsewhere at the same time.
The final decision on publication is taken by the editors. The editors can always reject an article or schedule it for an upcoming issue. The editors can, in consultation with the author, shorten or change an article. Changes in the text that improve readability without significant substantive consequences can be made by the editors without consultation with the author.
The following technical guidelines apply to submitting an article:
Articles: as MS Word file
Illustrations (graphs, tables, flow charts) should be submitted separately
The underlying data for graphs should be submitted separately as MS Excel file (only values, without formulas)
Maps: as an EPS file (Adobe Illustrator)
References made in APA style (example: Garfinkel, A. (1981) Forms of explanation; rethinking the questions in social theory. New Haven: Yale University Press.)
Proposals for articles can be submitted digitally to: