Invitation to the VOGON PhD Event 2022
Update 12.1.2022: Dit evenement is uitgesteld, nieuwe datum volgt
When: 28 January 2022 – 14.00-18.00 hrs
Where: At the Amsterdam School of Real Estate (ASRE)
On Friday January 28th, 2022 VOGON organizes its two-yearly PhD Event. We hereby warmly invite you to the PhD Event, which focusses on discussing relevant, innovative studies within the field of PhD-research on real estate.
The program of the PhD event consists of three parts and is shown in the table below. The program starts with an opening of the VOGON board, followed by pitches that are prepared by PhD students of different, Dutch universities. Then, both PhD students and real estate professors take part in a panel discussion, focussing on the research themes of the PhD students. We would like to invite all (PhD) researchers, professors, real estate professionals, and VOGON-members to attend the PhD Event.
Subscription, transport, COVID-19-measures
You can subscribe for the PhD Event by sending an e-mail to, who take care of the organization of the event (e.g. the catering and room-reservation). Via this e-mail address it is also possible to ask further questions about the event. Participation in the PhD Event is free.
The ASRE is located at Huys Azië, Jollemanhof 5, 1019 GW Amsterdam. ASRE is accessible with public transportation, by taking tram line 26, stop Kattenburgerstraat. This takes approximately 10 minutes. ASRE is also accessible by car. The following parking garage can be used: Piet Heingarage, Piet Heinkade 59, Amsterdam, approximately 5 minutes walking to ASRE. The garage is open 24 hours per day.
We will also consider the measures of the government against the COVID-19 pandemic that are applicable during the PhD event. We will maintain the actual measures (1.5 m distance and wearing a mouth mask) and count on your understanding. If the changing measures have an influence on the allowance of having a physical event, we will let you know no later than the 20th of January 2022.
More information about the PhD Event can be found at
Kind regards,
On behalf of the VOGON-board,
Bas Hilgers and Lisanne Bergefurt